Greg & I finally talked in sacrament today & I would like to share my talk with all of you! I am sure most of the stuff some of u have already heard. Our talks were on the Holy Ghost it started with me
"Good Morning brothers & sisters, for those of you who don't know us,we are the Burke's. I am Katie & this is my husband Gregory.We have been married for two years & got married in the salt lake temple November 21,2008!!! I grew up in Northern, Utah & Greg grew up in Colorado!!
We are here this morning,speaking by pure accident. About two weeks ago, u may have noticed us on the stand,ready to give our talks. Then as quickly as we came,we were gone. Before living here Greg & I lived in his parents house in Elk Ridge, while they surved their mission in Santiago, Chili, they are now home.On Wednesday ,two weeks ago. I recieved a phone call from a member of the bishopric. He said "Sister Burke, is it ok if you & your husband talk in sacrament this sunday ? your husband said it would be fine?" I said sure thinking Greg had already accepted. I was feeling really nervous because we had just been called to teach the sunbeams in prymary the sunday before and than asked to speak in sacrament the very next Sunday .WOW
When I asked Greg about speaking, he said hadn't heard anything about it, but sure, that would be fine. When we came to church, the bishopric was very surprised to see us on the stand. The hurried over & apoligized & said they must have not cordinated very well. They than asked us to speak today, so here we are. After some looking into the situation more, we found that it wasn't their fault or lack of cordination at all. The clerk in the other ward in Elk Ridge still had our phone number & called to confirm the speakers for their meeting. The "sister Burke" he was trying to reach was my mother in law but he got this "Sister Burke"
The topic they were assigned was exactly what we had been asked to talk on. Imagine that. Today I would like to talk about how the the Holy Ghost guides me in my life.In John 14:16,26 Jesus promises the members od the church who loved him,depended on him, and followed him,right before he left them "I will pray the father,and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever ...The comforter is the Holy Ghost.
Because our heavenly father and Jesus loves each of us too, that promise is ours also. The Holy Ghost, the third member of the Godhead is our comforter,teach, & guide. Our constant companion if we live worthily.
I would like to tell u a story of how the Holy Ghost guided me personally in my life. About 3 yrs ago I decided, because of past experiences, I was not going to date anymore I decided to put all my effort into hair school at Taylor Andrews. I had experienced a lot of frogs & toads , hoping someday I would find my prince. I had come to the conclusion that my prince had been killed slaying dragons.
One day while social networking, I recieved an invitation to a barbeque from a friend of a friend. I said I would go but as the day came I decided not to go. This friend of the friend contacted me & said he was sad that I had missed his party. This started a long string of text messaging,phone calls & Facebook contacts. This was in April of 2008!! As our conversations continued this guy told me he would be leaving to Philidelphia for summer work so unfortunately we did not get to meet & go on a date before he left, but he told me he would like to still continue our phone calls & texts.
I had been studying the scriptures and praying a lot, not necessarily for a man or anything, just to improve my relationship with Heavenly Father. Our phone dating continued & I started feeling like I had known this guy all my life. I was comfortable being myself with him,telling him everything about me & my life. He was like no guy I had ever met before. I had never felt this way about anyone else in my life before. I know now, that the feelings I felt were from Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost. I felt like it was the beginning to my life & forever happy.
Time went on and in June, Greg & I decided we should meet in person. So after talking to my parents along with Greg talking to my parents & getting their approval to let their 21 year old daughter fly across the country. I boarded a plane to Philidelphia , at Gregs expense of course. I was really nervous & excited at the same time. I kept praying & asking heavenly father to help me & guide me.
As I entered the airport I looked all around & all of the sudden I saw Greg, holding a bouquet of roses & smiling . Happy tears just filled my eyes & I got that tingling feeling which was the Holy Ghost.The calmness I had been praying for came. Everything went very well.
When I came home we continued our phone dating & continued to get closer. We read the scriptures together & prayed together over the phone.August came & Greg finished his work & he came back home. We were able to start going on actual dates & seeing each other almost everyday. Greg proposed to me on September 19,2008 & we were married November 21,2008 in the SLC temple. My forever began that day & my journey with my eternal companion was the perfect fairytale. Turned out my prince had had survived the dragons. I know that the Holy Ghost guided me & helped me with finding my eternal companion & confirming my decision to marry this Amazing man.
When we were babtized & confirmed we were all given the gift of the holy ghost. If we keep the Commandments & live the gospel teachings,we will have that gift from our heavenly father & Jesus, the Holy Ghost as our companion, comforter & guide.
I would like to bare my testimony that I know this church is true I am so thankful for the holy ghost in my life & that I was able to be sealed to my eternal compian for all eternity. I truly have the perfect husband. He is my prince charming & Not one day goes by that I do not thank my heavenly father for blessing me with this Amazing man. I am thankful for my parents & family & for all the support & help they give us. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen"