It's been so Long since I've blogged about our little family! We love our little Londyn Ann . She has kept me so busy since she arrived and I love it! Seriously though I don't even know how I existed 26 yrs without my little princess . Christmas this last year was so much fun , I remember on past Christmas's I would get so emotional because I would imagine waking up on Christmas morning seeing our babies face light up with excitement ! The last two years before this Christmas I honestly thought Greg and I would never have that. I'm so happy our prayers were answered and let me just say waking up on Christmas morning and seeing my loves face light up was one if the best sights ever. Even better than what I imagined. New Years was the same it was so nice having Londyn with us . Greg got a huge raise this last year so it has allowed me to do what I've always wanted to do , be a stay at home mommy! I remember growing up people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and the look on their face when I told them I wanted to be a stay at home mommy & do hair was priceless ha ha. I love being a wife & mom , I love doing hair & I love fashion. Since I do get bored sometimes though I have decided to change my Instagram,Facebook & blog around to help moms with styling themselves & their daughters! Londyn and I shop and dress up ALOT! I think that's what people think we do all day long but really it's not we maybe take one or two hours a day dressing up! I decided to do this because I've had tons of people tell me I should start a fashion blog for myself and Londyn and I wish I had somebody to refer me where to shop when I first had Londyn ! Although this has brought quite a few opportunities for Londyn , she is now being asked to model for different boutiques and photographers! Greg and I were not to sure about it at first but we have decided to do it but as long as it's just for fun . The minute it becomes to much for our daughter and it's no longer fun we stop! This is why we don't do baby contests or pageants I've watched toddlers and tiaras and that is just one ugly world I don't want Londyn part of . People get so mean and we know Londyn is gorgeous and would win any contest or pageant but we just don't want anything to do with that world , we don't judge those who do and I'll be the first to vote for your daughter if you ask me to but we are staying away from that ! Anyways that's all for now I'll be updating the blog again soon thanks so much for all your support
Taylor Swift All Too Well Jimmy Fallon
3 years ago