bAbY MiLa KaTe due sep14


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

litTLe mIsS lOnDyN -1 mONTh

As I am sitting here typing I am fighting back the tears. Happy tears that is, I can not believe my little princess turned a month old August 2nd!  The time really did go by so fast and it just makes me want to cherish each moment with her. It seems like just yesterday I was telling Greg our prayers had finally been answered and we were pregnant. I truly have so much to be thankful for , I have a beautiful healthy baby girl who I carried to full term , a healthy baby girl who I spent three hours pushing for her to arrive safely in to this world, a baby girl who is a princess to not only Greg & I but to our heavenly father. Each time I look in to her eyes I know why Greg and I had to wait so long for her, she is just so perfect in every way and so beautiful that heavenly father wanted to keep her with him. We are so honored and so blessed that we get to be her earthly parents and be sealed to her for time and all eternity. She takes my breath away and she is truly a little princess. This last month has been so amazing I have people ask me all the time how I am adapting to motherhood and how I am feeling and I won't lie there are moments when I have to take a deep breath and take time for me but honestly it comes so easy to me I know that may be hard to believe but I have waited all my life to be a mom and for my little Londyn Ann. I don't mind getting up during the night or sacrificing me time to just hold her and stare at her all day. I don't get impatient or frustrated when she cries, and I don't ever feel like I can't handle it. Greg is the same way, people make fun of us because when we are around other people and they want to hold her we don't mind at all but we hurry to get her back in our arms because we are just so in love with her . My sister said it's usually the opposite usually first time parents can't wait to get a break and hand them over but we just want to be with her always. Greg gets home from work at night and hurries to hold her and cuddle her because he has missed her so much. Our lives have not really changed since Londyn has arrived and I will tell you why , for years we have been waiting for her and the last two years we have grown out of our selfish ways and put all that behind us so we could prepare to be the best parents we could be. This last month has been the best days of my life and I am going to take this opportunity to brag about my little princess because come on any mom who tells u she hates bragging about their child is a liar! Londyn truly is such a good baby, she is so content and only cries when she is hungry,poopy or needs to be burped. The first two weeks we were getting up every two hrs every night but than she started sleeping four hours than six hours and this last week she has been sleeping 9 hours every night. I have two bassinets and she doesn't sleep in neither one , I know I know I need to get her sleeping on her own but my favorite moments with her are the ones when we snuggle in bed to go to sleep or take our naps.Anybody who knows our family well enough knows us Burke's love to sleep and take naps! I know all these articles and blogs say this and that but I am not one to listen to others and their rules about motherhood. I do what I feel in my heart to be right and I don't care what anybody else thinks about it.I am in no race to be the "perfect" mom I just want to be a good mom to my daughter and follow my heart. When Greg and I have questions or concerns we ask  Londyn's doctor and our heavenly father what we should do. I read so many mothers blogs about how their 1 year old is speaking Spanish or their baby can read by 2 and I think "wow that person is first of all lying and second of all very insecure about their parenting skills" I would never use Londyn as a source to make myself feel entitled or superior! I give her what she needs, I love her, I teach her  and I  care for her. That to me is being a good mom. Since my last post we have gotten Londyns newborns done, she modeled some hair bows for a boutique,she has grown two 1/2 inches, and has gained 4lbs . She is 10 lbs 40% in her age and she is 21 1/2 inches  80% in her age! Her doctor says she is going to grow to be very petite and tall! Originally Londyn weighed 8lbs and 6 ounces when she was born but when she had jaundice the billy lights really dehydrated her so she dropped two pounds so she has came along way in her weight and we couldn't be more proud of her! This is where I would like to brag again, my baby girl is drop dead gorgeous, she is more than I ever dreampt of and so stinkin cute. This lady told me the other day that Londyn looks like a baby right out of a baby magazine and that looking at her face you could never mistake her for a boy because she just has such breath taking features and she looks like a baby girl. We were at a family event the other day and one of Greg's cousins said "you guys did very well ,you should make more babies your very good at it" ha ha it was quite the compliment. Ok I took my moment to brag I will stop now. I just really want to express how thankful I am for the lords plan for me in life. I really mean it when I say that everything I have been through in life I am thankful for ,it has made me who I am today and has led to me to where I am today. One day when I tell Londyn what happened to me when I was 16 the thing I want her to learn from it is that yes I was a victim but more than anything I was a survivor! I am so thankful for my beautiful daughter and so excited to watch her grow ! My love for her is like nothing I have ever felt before ,everything I do in life is for her and our future children. Happy one month little princess 

Londyns best friend and cousin Violet

daddys princess

took my extensions out I call this my mommy hair due than I did the melt just barely

my little sister Jeni and  with our girls

Londyn 3 weeks old

ha ha she gives people mean looks.Greg says she gets it from me

she does look like me after all

this is my favorite Cozette Couture bow of Londyns ,I just ordered a couple more ,can't wait til they get here

she is so stinkin cute

girlfriend loves to laugh

my hot baby daddy

her favorite way to snuggle on me

pretty girl

one of my fave pics of her

ha ha she does this zoolander face a lot

Pretty Princess

she loves the camers

he goes so well with my diaper bag

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