I would just like to add another update in regards to my post titled
Monster from my past! I have had a lot of great responses and thanks to my good friend Ashlee who has also been victimized by Brandon Sloper and my blog post I recently had a reporter from Desseret News contact me and interview me on a story she is writing. The story is mainly focused on Domestic Violence going on in our schools and what are schools are actually doing to stop this and how they are protecting the students and educating their teachers & staff on domestic violence.
I shared my story with her and told her what exactly went on.I hope I helped enough to get the message across to schools on how important it is to be educated and protect their students. It breaks my heart to think what happened to me is happening to other young girls or young men. Let me remind you when the news broke at my school of what had happened to me the school did not suspend Brandon. My mom and I went to the princable and the school officer and they both acted like they did not care and had a hard time believing me . I felt very unsafe so I dropped out because I was so afraid. Shortly after the news broke of what happened one of my really good friends I had known since kindergarten Curtis went and said something to Brandon after he found out I dropped out of school. Brandon got so mad he actually threw Curtis through the school window and yet Brandon was still allowed to walk the halls of Clearfield High. I tried going back their my sophomore year but seeing him caused panic attacks and because of my p.t.s.d I transferred to a private school and it was thee best decision I ever made.Clearfield High did not provide me with protection or could care less how violent Brandon was,even when I was there my sophomore year and I was with him the our teachers heard the rumors of what he was doing to me and still did not bother to ask me about it instead they looked at me funny almost like I was the monster ,the bad guy,the girl who was crazy. Something needs to be done & I am so excited for this article to come out & hopefully make a difference. I will for sure let you know when the story comes out!
okay! now we can officially be the best of friends. haha! for some reason, i couldn't figure out how to find your blog but wahlah! i linked to it in a previous post. ANYWAYS! it would be so fun to meet up and get to know you guys. this monster from your past is not a good guy. and i am eager to see the story posted! i'm assuming it will be posted this month? anyways..you should e-mail me (at tandaschroeder@gmail.com) because i have a few questions for yoU!
Hi ok I just emailed you. But yes the story comes out this month at least im pretty sure it does.
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